Why I’m Passionate about Leadership Development

I have had the pleasure of working for some of the best and the worst leaders you could imagine and I believe that there is a reason I’ve had these experiences and that they’re not coincidental. They were the catalyst to starting my own consulting practice, All Career Matters, Inc., which focuses on leadership and team development.
Ten years ago I purchased my domain name www.allcareermatters.com. After each job transition since then, I planned on going out on my own. I have a very entrepreneurial spirit, and I loved the idea of being in charge of how I spend my time, who I spend it with, and focusing on the areas that are most meaningful to me. Each time I planned to leave a job and start my business, I had a former coworker or supervisor of mine recruit me for roles that were fascinating and that I knew would actually add to my toolkit when I did start my business. Which is why, 10 years later, I’m finally following this “big hairy audacious goal” of mine, and I have to say – it’s all I dreamed about and more!
Why am I focusing on leadership and team development? I’ve lived through and observed the impact that both amazing leaders and incredibly ineffective leaders have on performance, engagement, work/life fit, family, and personal relationships. Leaders have a hugely profound impact not only on our work lives but on our personal lives, and it’s my goal to do everything I can to help the leaders I coach to have a positive impact on all of those areas. That’s the reason I pursued a doctorate in organizational leadership and I have focused my career on leadership development – leaders play a critical role in the lives of others.
My blog posts will focus on how leaders can improve trust, performance and engagement (or how they can obliterate them), and I’ll share real life stories and research that support the content. I hope the posts are helpful and meaningful to you! Lead well, live well!